My Recent Photography Life at Christmas Lunch 

Christmas lunch is the most joyous day of the year for a photographer. It’s the one time of the year that I can look forward to seeing friends and family members that I haven’t seen for a long time. In fact, there’s hardly any time in the year when I get to see my friends and family more than they do. We eat better food, we talk more, and we enjoy our surroundings more. And, what’s more, you’re guaranteed to have a great time too. As I had the pleasure of enjoying my Christmas meal with my wife just the other day, I thought I’d put together this little article to share with you some of my photography life at Christmas. Click here to know more details visit phonephotography.

10 Christmas Photography Ideas and Tips (Updated)

This is the year for decorating. Christmas trees are everywhere, from shopping malls to sporting venues, and there’s hardly anyone that doesn’t have at least one (maybe two! ). I have a passion for Christmas decorating, so these are my lucky charms in the winter season:

I’ve spent literally days and nights – sometimes a whole weekend – working on my Christmas tree. A massive collection of lights (white, green and red) ranging in size from an egg to a rugby ball sits proudly on my office desk. If it’s Christmas, it’s worth putting some serious thought into how you arrange your lights around your home. I can often spend hours just trying to work out which bulbs go where, so if you’re one of those people who like to spend hours experimenting, then you’re in luck – I’ve done lots of tests and you’re never going to be short of inspiration.

My favorite Christmas snack has to be the turkey sandwich. I’ve got the right ingredients, a nice, warm bread, a fresh salad and a side of mashed potatoes (yum!). Of course, you’re not going to believe my secret weapon – plain chocolate chips. Chocolate sells me on Christmas lunch, so you should try making your own. These simple little chips are packed with flavour and when mixed with a little oil, turn into a delectable treat.

For another one of my favourite Christmas photo shoots, I ask my guest to pose in front of a red or green background. I then get out my trusty lens and take as many photos as I can. Sometimes the results are fantastic, other times my photos turn out to be less than perfect. The important thing is that I have more photos of people lying on the floor after being fed with presents than I have people sitting on the floor looking at a camera. I love Christmas and taking photos is probably my favourite part of the season but don’t forget the practicalities and the cleaning up afterwards!

So as you can see, being a photographer doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re left with nothing to do once the Christmas food is over. If you’re up for some more food-related challenges, why not set yourself up as a waiter? How about a photo booth? Whatever you choose, just remember to enjoy yourself and take lots of photos – this is one of those times where the more you have going on, the better you will feel! And you’ll find it hard not to take photos of the other people at the party too.